Deep Vs Dark Web

Traditionaly, The Dark Web then is classified as a small portion of the Deep Web that has been intentionally hidden and is inaccessible through standard web browsers.  Google Says this.

Hackers believe that the world of Deep Web and Dark Web are not the same.  Thus making Google wrong.  Why?  Too many small technologies exist like IMAP HTTPS and more which can be used to store data.

Dark web is Tor or onion web sites ( Tor and I2P) and represent the Dark Web.  However, TOR or I2P routers can be used to assist deep web.

In short, finding a Tor site is different than finding a deep web site.

Deep web is place where forward wacks ( / ) placing files deeper into a servers file manager is a simple tasking techie for deep web.  The “deep web” is the web that exists in places that can not be accessed by search engines.  Hackers.Website managers have a series of tools and techniques of create the deep web.

Searching for Tools deep web would be a great start but but let me show you operational procedures by a hacker to develop upon the conversation.

RULE: Do not consider Dark Web a smaller portion of the deb web.  Focus on the web standards like http https imap and more.  (Google linux LAMP / MS server tech packs.

I use Spider Tool to begin recon of sites deep/dark inventory.  This is a spider scan tool I use to attack websites.  It is our first recon tool.

 Status  Browse  Graph  Scan Settings  Log
Type Unique Data Elements Total Data Elements Last Data Element
Affiliate – Domain Name 21 21 2018-07-05 14:44:53
Affiliate – Domain Whois 21 21 2018-07-05 14:44:53
Affiliate – IP Address 20 40 2018-07-05 14:44:43
Affiliate – Internet Name 21 41 2018-07-05 14:44:53
Affiliate – Web Content 1 1 2018-07-05 14:45:00
Amazon S3 Bucket 2 2 2018-07-05 10:52:03
BGP AS Membership 1 1 2018-07-05 14:46:30
BGP AS Peer 173 173 2018-07-05 14:52:32
Bitcoin Address 1 332 2018-07-05 13:41:42
Bitcoin Balance 1 1 2018-07-05 02:57:49
Co-Hosted Site 1 1 2018-07-05 14:44:52
Cookies 124 124 2018-07-05 13:43:03
Domain Name (Parent) 1 1 2018-07-05 14:39:28
Domain Registrar 1 1 2018-07-05 14:39:29
Domain Whois 1 1 2018-07-05 14:39:29
Externally Hosted Javascript 18 1055 2018-07-05 13:43:03
HTTP Headers 178 178 2018-07-05 13:43:03
HTTP Status Code 5 178 2018-07-05 13:43:03
Hosting Provider 1 1 2018-07-05 14:45:02
Human Name 34 319 2018-07-05 13:43:02
IP Address 1 1 2018-07-05 14:39:29
Internet Name 1 2 2018-07-05 02:56:42
Linked URL – External 921 921 2018-07-05 13:41:22
Linked URL – Internal 423 440 2018-07-05 13:43:01
Malicious IP on Same Subnet 3 3 2018-07-05 14:52:33
Netblock Membership 1 1 2018-07-05 14:46:27
Open TCP Port 9 9 2018-07-05 14:46:22
Open TCP Port Banner 1 1 2018-07-05 14:46:22
Phone Number 1 1 2018-07-05 14:39:29
Public Code Repository 16 24 2018-07-05 12:12:25
Raw Data from RIRs 205 205 2018-07-05 14:52:32
Raw File Meta Data 128 136 2018-07-05 13:30:14
Search Engine’s Web Content 194 194 2018-07-05 14:39:37
Similar Domain 17 17 2018-07-05 14:29:35
Social Media Presence 160 160 2018-07-05 12:47:04
Software Used 1 1 2018-07-05 12:19:41
URL (Accepts Passwords) 2 2 2018-07-05 13:12:49
URL (Form) 68 68 2018-07-05 13:43:02
URL (Purely Static) 45 45 2018-07-05 13:33:15
URL (Uses Javascript) 110 110 2018-07-05 13:43:02
URL (Uses a Web Framework) 3 244 2018-07-05 13:43:03
Web Content 127 158 2018-07-05 13:43:02
Web Server 1 177 2018-07-05 13:43:03


View Images for information:

Weed emails selling illegally from client  DEEP WEB

DARK WEB Sites selling  and scamming company

You can see the DARK WEB HOOKS and why it has to remain outside the Deep Web.  Hackers operate outside the norm and do not include Deep Web as part of the dark web.  No Hacker and media type call these the same but they are not.

The proof is above.